Digitalicious – Great students nowdays




Times really change very quickly …

We will adapt to the change or we will be crushed by the change itself ….

Then the tag line:

“Be there or be behind”

will be valid for all time …

We are all aware that from the 90s to the 2000s alone, we have witnessed many drastic changes …

Let’s try Flash back from 100 years ago there was a change from the Agricultural era to the Industrial era 1.0, many horse entrepreneurs closed because the automotive industry …

In the era of Industry 2.0, machines emerged that could be used for production, then the change was adjusted to the new power source, namely electricity …

The machines have their own power sources so that the machines can be easily moved, but they are still controlled by humans …

Next is industrial era 3.0, where computers have been discovered …

It is at this stage that various electronic components are found, ranging from transistors, IC chips which make it possible to develop machines that do not require human operators.

In this era there was also the development of software that supports electronic hardware.

Business processes are also increasingly developing and more structured starting from the planning stage by humans, schedules and production process flow.

Now there has been a change back to the Industrial 4.0 era …

The era of the industrial revolution 4.0 was characterized by a cyber-physical system.

Where industry began to touch the virtual world, in the form of human, machine and data connectivity, everything was everywhere. This term is known as the internet of things.

30 years ago until now, many students in our country who study at school still use books, but now out there they have digital classes.

30 years ago until now, many students in our country who study at school still use books, but now out there they have used iPad (digital class), paper less, all based on Apps and

itunes U …

In this activity children learn more about technology. They learn to design an attractive graphic design, procreate and also learn about coding with fun. They use Osmo to solve coding games. Understand the changing times by learning early with #everyonecancode.

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